“My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, nor be weary when reproved by him. For the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and chastises every son whom he receives.” | Hebrews 12:5b-6
Christians, we should count it as joy when the LORD disciplines us, because His active discipline in our lives is evidence that He loves us and treats us like sons.
It's not easy. Most of us would probably prefer to receive a dose of
easy grace, without the side of loving discipline...but the author of Hebrews tells us that the absence of discipline can actually be considered an absence of love. Therefore, when we read the beautiful words of scripture,
"For the LORD disciplines the one(s) he loves..." we find comfort, because God's discipline is
always loving and is
always used to heal, help, and sharpen.
Always for his glory and
always for our blessing.
God's Word promises Christians that they will continue to grow into the likeness of Jesus Christ. One of the primary ways this growth comes about is through the loving discipline of the Father.
And how much do we need it? We are sinners, engulfed in self-centered and destructive behavior. As God's adopted sons and daughters, He cannot allow us to continue to live such reckless and destructive lives. God's aim is, and always has been, to be glorified in and through His image bearers. This can only happen through
His correcting work; as he reshapes mankind into the image of His Son. #GrowOn