Thursday, February 28, 2013

What is Harbor Pillars?

"To teach, equip, and encourage men to lead their families and live their lives with integrity, humility and a passion for the glory of Christ."
Harbor Pillars -- Mission Statement

Over the past several years, through prayer, my time in the word, and an overall look at Christianity in America...God has been leading me to start something deeper for the men at Harbor Church. The aim of this group (PILLARS) is to build a foundation of Biblical Manhood for the men (i.e. boyfriends, husbands, fathers, grandfathers and future generations of men) at Harbor Church.

Throughout history, God has entrusted men with the responsibility of spiritually leading their homes and the sad reality is that in many cases, men have been comfortable surrendering that mission to other people and programs in the local church or elsewhere. Don't get me wrong, these people and programs are not bad additions to the spiritual growth and development of Christian families, but I believe God desires for men to reclaim and tightly hold the responsibility for the spiritual well being of their homes.

As I see it, the purpose of Harbor Pillars is to teach, equip and encourage men to live out their lives with integrity, humility and passion for the glory of Christ.

The attacks of the enemy are numerous and the temptation to become comfortable living the American Dream is enticing. However, we are called to be different than the world. We are called to live humbly and to serve others with our time and our talents. We are called to surrender everything in order to follow Christ, and to make disciples. We are called to lead our homes (as our primary mission field) with humility, courage and zeal...submitting to God's will and allowing him to lead us. We are called to raise our children to know and fear the LORD. We are called to hold each other accountable and live with a passion for the glory of Christ in all areas of our lives. No longer can we be satisfied with a Sunday morning worship service. No longer can we accept living the watered down version of Christianity that entices us to serve God on Sunday mornings and serve ourselves the other (6) days of the week.

So there's the mission statement of this group. I believe we have enough diversity in our small group of men at Harbor to make an impact in our church, our community and the world. Please pray about getting involved in this mission. If God prompts your heart, please respond to this blog post and make a commitment to join this cause. I will make you one promise; this will not be your typical run-of-the-mill group. We will not settle for mediocrity. So, if you are looking to grow deeper in your faith and pursue the Spiritual Growth that we talk about at Harbor Church, please pray about joining this group.

More information to follow.

P – Passionate Men
I – Interested in REAL Spiritual Growth
L – Learning with Humility
L – Leading Our Families Intentionally
A – Ambassadors of the Gospel
R – Rediscovering the Responsibility of Biblical Manhood
S – Sanctification through Scripture, Prayer and Accountability

For His Glory,


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